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Men's Mental Health Awareness: Part 3. The impact of pregnancy on men's mental health

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Navigating Pregnancy and Becoming a Dad.

The impact of pregnancy on men's mental health


Becoming a dad is one of the most rewarding and life-changing experiences for many men. It can also be one of the most stressful and overwhelming of times. As you prepare to welcome a new member into your family, you may face a variety of mental health challenges that can affect your well-being and your relationship with your partner and your unborn child.

The impact of pregnancy on men's mental health is an important and often overlooked aspect of the journey to parenthood. In this article, I will explore some of the common mental health issues that men may encounter during pregnancy and share some tips on how to cope with them.

What are the Mental Health Issues that Men May Face During Pregnancy?

Fear and Anxiety:

Men may feel anxious about their readiness to be a dad, their ability to support their family, and the health and safety of their partner and baby. Men may also fear the unknowns and uncertainties that come with parenthood.

The fear of the unknown is a common experience for expectant dads. Questions about childbirth, the health of the baby, and the future can lead to feelings of helplessness and anxiety.

Stress and Pressure

Men can feel stressed and pressured to provide for their family, to be a good partner, and to be a good father. Men may also feel stressed by the changes and challenges that pregnancy brings to their lives, such as financial responsibilities, work commitments, and lifestyle adjustments.

Communication Difficulties

Men may experience challenges expressing feelings and concerns to their partner or others. Men may worry that they might upset their partner or seem unsupportive. They may also feel their partner does not understand or appreciate their perspective or needs.

Bonding with the Unborn Child:

While pregnant mothers have a physical connection with the unborn child, men may struggle to bond with their unborn child. They may feel less involved or connected to the pregnancy than their partner. Men may also find it hard to imagine or relate to their baby until they are born.

Sexual Problems

Men may experience changes in their sexual desire or performance during pregnancy. Men may feel less attracted to their partner or worry about hurting them or the baby during sex. Men may also feel rejected or neglected by their partner if they lose interest in sex.


Men can experience a shift in identity as they transition from being a man to a dad. Feeling unsure or insecure about their new role and responsibilities. They may also feel conflicted between their own needs and the needs of the family.

Societal expectations

Expectations around masculinity can pressure men to appear strong and unemotional, to be stoic even in the face of significant life changes. This can make it challenging for men to openly discuss their feelings or seek help when needed.

How to Cope with the Mental Health Challenges of Becoming a Dad?

If you are experiencing any of the mental health challenges mentioned above, you are not alone. Many men go through similar struggles during pregnancy. The good news is that there are ways to cope with them and improve your mental well-being. Here are some tips that may help you

Seek Counselling

If you feel overwhelmed by anxiety, stress, depression, or other mental health issues, do not hesitate to seek professional help. A counsellor can help you understand and manage your emotions, provide you with coping strategies, and refer you to other resources if needed.

Talk to Your Partner

Communication is key during pregnancy. Try to be open and honest with your partner about your feelings and needs. Listen to their feelings and needs as well. Try to support each other and work as a team. If you have difficulties communicating with your partner, consider seeking couples counselling or attending prenatal classes together.

Connect with Your Baby

Bonding with your unborn child can help you feel more involved and excited about the pregnancy. There are many ways to bond with your baby, such as talking, singing, reading, or playing music to them, feeling their movements, attending ultrasound scans, choosing their name, preparing their nursery, or buying them clothes or toys.


Taking care of yourself is not selfish; it is essential for your mental health and well-being. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, exercise regularly, and relax. Find time for yourself and do things that make you happy, such as hobbies, sports, or socialising with friends.

Seek Support from Others

You do not have to go through this alone. Seek support from others who can understand and empathise with you, such as family members, friends, co-workers, or other expectant fathers. Join a support group, online forum, or community organisation for dads-to-be where you can share your experiences and learn from others.

Be Positive

Try to focus on the positive aspects of pregnancy and parenthood. Think about the joy and love that your baby will bring to your life. Celebrate the milestones and achievements along the way. Be proud of yourself for being a dad.


Becoming a dad is an amazing journey that can enrich your life in many ways. It can also be a challenging journey that can test your mental health and well-being. By being aware of the potential mental health challenges and coping with them effectively, you can make the most of this special time and prepare yourself for the wonderful adventure ahead.

Thank you for reading.

If you're currently seeking help and support, I encourage you to use the links below to reach out to these organisations. However, if you're seeking professional support or wish to explore further information regarding my approach to men's mental health, please feel free to contact me at


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